Doing not so well in school? You need to read this!

The hustle and bustle of academic life is really stressful. The stress might weigh you down and your performance starts going down the stairs. Do not fret. There is a way out. In this article I will show you how.

  1. Motivate yourself

Don’t ever give room for depression if you feel bad about your grades, instead motivate yourself. Believe in yourself and encourage yourself to stay focused on your grades. Have a goal, that should be your motivation. Have someone you positively look up to that should be your inspiration.

2. Listen and participate actively at lectures

If you have a shy personality this may be hard, but participation will make your lecturer know that you really care about their course and desire the best grades. If you are shy, for more confidence you can write down the questions before the class and then ask them.

3. Take thorough notes during lectures.

This will ensure that you do not miss important informations. Note taking is an important skill that can translate to better grades generally.

4. Do not hesitate to ask for help if in need

If you are experiencing problems with certain courses, you can always relate with your lecturers or colleagues for help.

5. Avoid unnecessary distractions.

Find a quiet and comfortable working place to handle your essays, thesis and dissertation. Put your phone aside or at least mute all social media notification sounds so you are not distracted. You can also use apps that lock a phone for a certain time period.

6. Take a 15-minute break after each 45 minutes of studying

Don’t choke yourself with too much reading. Get some fresh air, or get a snack to fuel your brain preferably something that has milk in it. You can also reward yourself for each 45 minutes of productive work by doing something that you enjoy. Besides, breaking up the monotony of studying will help you focus.

7. Consider studying together with your colleagues

Sometimes, group studying can help the members of the group motivate each other and be more productive. If such style of studying suits you, then you can organize such groups or become a member of a group that already exists. You can get together for studying after classes or on weekends.

8. Use a planner to organize your time

It can be either a paper planner or a mobile app. Write down all important due dates, dates of tests, and extracurricular activities.

9. Develop a study schedule

If you are preparing for a test or writing a research paper, it would be wise to break down your work into small chunks and work to a specific time periods. To avoid stress, do not procrastinate and wait until the last night before the test.

10. Take care of your health

Make sure that your meals are nutritious, balanced, and varied, because your brain needs fuel in order to be productive. Never miss breakfast. You will be surely dull if you do.

11. Sleep well

Establishing a regular sleep schedule is crucial when it comes to studying and getting good grades in high school. Try to wake up and go to bed at the same time and get at least 8 hours of sleep each night.

12. Stay fit

Exercise everyday, join make use of the gymnasium, familiarize with the sports team in school or participate in sports-related extracurricular activities outside of school.

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